Well, let me correct that, because his majesty Ald. Stone has already taken action to reclaim his sovereign territory. Look at what the former Brewer campaign office looks like, as of a few days ago:

That is what's at stake, my neighbors in the 50th ward. I don't think Stone could have taken any action more representative of his administration than this unprofessional, immature act against a former challenger. I can only hope that this visual kick-in-the-teeth mobilizes Brewer supporters to join Dolar's fight.
If we don't pull together to support Dolar in these last 5 weeks, Stone will continue to mark us as his territory too.
As you said:
unprofessional, immature act set the mark by Brewer and Nolar campaigns. The endless baseless charges claiming Stone was at fault for everything and most importantly the campaign that divided the neighborhood.
Even during past campaigns it never got this bad. Please show me where there was one charge that Stone made during the campaign. He took the high road. However as I understand it the gloves will be off this time.
Stone was in charge during the decline of the 50th ward, so by default he should be a man and take the blame for his poor job as a servant of the people. On April 17th we will have a new leader and a fresh voice on the city council. Vote Naisy Dolar, better for the 50th.
Stone was also responsible for the failure of the Cubs to make it beyond the NLCS in each and every year he was in the City Council.
Stone was responsible for the Bears' failure to win the Super Bowl last year.
Stone was responsible for this past unseasonably cold winter.
Stone was responsible for the Islamo-fascist attack on the twin towers on 9/11.
Daisy Nolar with her massive experience as a $35k a year functionary in the Daley administration will remedy all of these things.
And she will lower the price of gas at the pump.
hey royko: the Bears were not in the superbowl last year. Duh.
Stone is responsible for installing illegal parking meters on Devon.
Stone is responsible for further wasting tax dollars on building an illegal wall, which he later had to tear down.
Upon announcing his bid for re-election, Stone stated as his goals: 1. to be the longest-running alderman in office; and 2. to bestow his office onto his daughter in the aristocratic medieval fashion.
Those reasons are enough for me to vote for Dolar.
From my canvassing (as a former Brewer volunteer) for Naisy, I can tell you that Brewer's supporters don't need any extra incentive. They are virtually all for Dolar already. All the people who took Brewer signs from me in the primary have taken Dolar signs in the runoff. (And just like before, many of those signs have been stolen. But this time, Stone can't pretend that another campaign had something to do with it.)
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