Here's a link to the full-size image.
I'm not sure why the Dolar half of the piece looks so crappy - that's how the piece itself looks. You can barely read her name. It's as if Stone so much didn't want to spend money "on Dolar" that he couldn't even be bothered to make her side of the mailer look legible.
Among the many misstatements, let's pick the top 4:
Mislead 1: Stone "refused to accept a $10,000 per year pay increase from 1999-2003."
Truth: ... and then Stone carried the torch for the recent aldermanic pay increase after 2003!
Mislead 2: Dolar has a "0 resident service record."
Truth: Dolar was director of the city's Commission on Human Relations. In that position, she successfully removed illegal 24-hour parking meters that Stone installed on Devon Ave. Therefore, she has already shown a record for serving the residents in the ward. Bernie, on the other hand, should be deducted "service" points for wasting taxpayers' dollars on both these illegal parking meters, and the illegal wall he built and had to tear down.
Mislead 3: Dolar runs "a divisive campaign creating mistrust, tension and division in a normally united community."
Truth: Nothing from Dolar's camp has been aimed at dividing the community. Dolar's entire career has been about coalition-building and bringing communities together. I think this remark from Stone's side was probably meant to echo his previous sentiments that "all was well" in the 50th until troublemakers like Dolar and Brewer started campaigning. Rather than being concerned with what is best for the 50th, Stone from the start has been selfishly absorbed only with keeping the 50th complacent. Why should such a person be the one advocating for our ward in the City Council?
Mislead 4: Stone has more law enforcement experience than Dolar.
Truth: Stone's vague reference to "assisting in the creation of C.A.P.S." sounds like less law enforcement experience than Dolar. Not only is Dolar endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police, she's also married to a cop - so I'm sure she's more familiar with the day-to-day realities of law enforcement. Also, when did Stone "assist" in creating CAPS? I believe that was more than a while ago... has he done anything to further encourage CAPS' growth and resident participation since then?
In addition, as the recent Emmerson Park beatings show, Stone and his friendly neighborhood talking heads prefer to label any local violence "isolated" rather than condemn it harshly and take steps to prevent it. While Stone was doing only as much as necessary to fend off bad PR, Dolar had her own press conference and offered affirmative, fresh action-taking solutions to help prevent such problems in the future. In fact, the press conference she held sounded much more like what I want to hear from "my alderman" than what we heard from the actual alderman!
I've been looking for any evidence to substantiate Stones "saving Thillens stadium" claim. That also appears to be a lie. Some news reports will stretch it and say that he "assisted" with Thillens but NONE go further and make any factual claims. Just like the CAPS claim, I'm beginning to see a pattern here.
This mailer is right on the mark!!
Where was Naisy on Thillens? Oh willow9 again ask Terry O'Brien about Thillens. Ask the Tribune Company
Naisy campaign, not Stone, is throwing around baseless charges. In fact this is the first piece if anti anything that Stone has put out.
All of Naisy piece have been accusing Stone of everything.
What comes around goes around. The gloves are off.
Naisy work outof the Chicago Commission on Human Relation not the Mayors office. Big difference
Printing a photograph of your opponent on your campaign literature is a VERY unusual tactic, but it is a favorite of Berny Stone's. Stone last employed this trick during his Republican Years.
Race for Recorder of Deeds
In 1988 Stone ran as a Republican against Democratic Illinois State Representative Carol Moseley Braun, who is black, for Cook County Recorder of Deeds. Stone told reporters he didn't expect their newspapers to endorse him. "Just run a picture of Braun," Stone said. "That's all I ask." Disappointed that few people were focusing on the racial factor in the recorder's election, Stone went for the backlash vote by taking the politically unusual step of featuring Braun's photograph in his own campaign literature.
It didn't work then, either. Stone was soundly defeated by Braun and contributed to a sweep of Cook County offices by Democrats.
Bernard Stone on Wikipedia
Neal, Steve. "Stone's tactics are unlikely to dim Braun's rising star", Chicago Sun-Times, 1988-11-08, p. 2.
Hugh said...
Printing a photograph of your opponent on your campaign literature is a VERY unusual tactic, but it is a favorite of Berny Stone's. Stone last employed this trick during his Republican Years
Since you spend so much time on the net why dont you pull up some literature from just about any other political race in the country. an Oppenent photo is comman place. However it seems your internet wont go beyondthe 50th ward?
>Anonymous said...
This mailer is right on the mark!!
Where was Naisy on Thillens? Oh willow9 again ask Terry O'Brien about Thillens. Ask the Tribune Company
Just to be clear on the matter, Naisy wasn't the alderman back when Thillens was saved by the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago Park District. I don't have to ask anyone about Stones non-contribution and I've read the Tribune article...have you? Actions speak louder than words and I know Naisy is all about action, she puts her money where her mouth is. Stone is a blast of hot air and so are his cohorts.
Where was Naisy on Thillens? How about "Thillens" never happend. What DID stone do for Thillens?
Hmm. How about where was Stone when they illegaly put parking meters on Devon?
for more news on the 50th ward visit www.fiveohblog.com
Just to be clear on the matter, Naisy wasn't the alderman back when Thillens was saved by the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago Park District. I don't have to ask anyone about Stones non-contribution and I've read the Tribune article...have you? Actions speak louder than words and I know Naisy is all about action, she puts her money where her mouth is. Stone is a blast of hot air and so are his cohorts.
Who do you think Got the park district, the Water reclamation district together. Who got the cubs to donate the money. Bernard Stone..
Have you talk to Tim Mitchell from the park district or Terry Obrien from Water reclamation district.. I have.
It seems between this blog and the other two involving this race it is the same 30 people blasting Stone for everything.
It like talking to brick wall. Willow 9 Hugh especially Hugh. However on April 17, when 50% plus one speak to re-elect Bernard Stone the matter will be closed.
Except for Hugh as I will address his slander after 4/17.
Some stoner said, "on April 17, when 50% plus one speak to re-elect Bernard Stone the matter will be closed."
Wow, is that Stone's optimistic estimate of his success, "50% plus one"? Maybe Dolar really does have a chance.
Your information that Naisy was the Director of the Human Relations Commission is inaccurate. She was the Director of the Asian section of the Human Relations Commission.
I agree that this piece is feeble at best. Stone needs to go.
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